Time Person of the Year

Person of the Year (dahulu Man of the Year) ialah keluaran tahunan dari majalah Time dari Amerika Serikat yang menampilkan dan memprofilkan seorang pria, wanita, pasangan, kelompok, argumen, tempat, atau mesin yang untuk yang terbaik maupun terburuk, ... .. yang telah melaksanakan hal yang paling berpengaruh atas peristiwa tahun ini.

Daftar Person of the Year

Persons of the Year

TahunTokoh PilihanLahir-matiKeterangan
1927 Charles Lindbergh1902–1974 
1928 Walter Chrysler1875–1940 
1929 Owen D. Young1874–1962 
1930 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi1869–1948 
1931 Pierre Laval1883–1945 
1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt1882–1945 
1933 Hugh Samuel Johnson1882–1942 
1934 Franklin D. Roosevelt1882–1945 
1935 Haile Selassie I1892–1975 
1936 Wallis Simpson1896–1986 
1937 Chiang Kai-shek
Soong May-ling
1938 Adolf Hitler1889–1945 
1939 Joseph Stalin1878–1953 
1940 Winston Churchill1874–1965 
1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt1882–1945 
1942 Joseph Stalin1878–1953 
1943 George Marshall1880–1959 
1944 Dwight D. Eisenhower1890–1969 
1945 Harry S. Truman1884–1972 
1946 James F. Byrnes1879–1972 
1947 George Marshall1880–1959 
1948 Harry S. Truman1884–1972 
1949 Winston Churchill1874–1965Man of the Half-Century
1950 The American Fighting-Man Mengganti pasukan Peperangan Korea; pertama kalinya non-pribadi dipilih
1951 Mohammed Mossadegh1882–1967 
1952 Queen Elizabeth II[1]1926 
1953 Konrad Adenauer1876–1967 
1954 John Foster Dulles1888–1959 
1955 Harlow Curtice1893–1962 
1956 Hungarian Freedom Fighter  
1957 Nikita Khrushchev1894–1971 
1958 Charles de Gaulle1890–1970 
1959 Dwight D. Eisenhower1890–1969 
1960 US Scientists Diwakili oleh George Beadle, Charles Draper, John Enders, Donald A. Glaser, Joshua Lederberg, Willard Libby, Linus Pauling, Edward Purcell, Isidor Rabi, Emilio Segrè, William Shockley, Edward Teller, Charles Townes, James Van Allen, dan Robert Woodward
1961 John F. Kennedy1917–1963 
1962 Paus Yohanes XXIII1881–1963 
1963 Martin Luther King, Jr.1929–1968 
1964 Lyndon B. Johnson1908–1973 
1965 William Westmoreland1914–2005 
1966 The Generation Twenty-Five and Under (Baby Boomers)  
1967 Lyndon B. Johnson1908–1973 
1968 Astronot Apollo 8 William Anders, Frank Borman, dan Jim Lovell
1969 The Middle Americans  
1970 Willy Brandt1913–1992 
1971 Richard Nixon1913–1994 
1972 Richard Nixon1913–1994 
Henry Kissinger1923 
1973 John Sirica1904–1992 
1974 King Faisal1906–1975 
1975 American Women Diwakili oleh Susan Brownmiller, Kathleen Byerly, Alison Cheek, Jill Conway, Betty Ford, Ella Grasso, Carla Hills, Barbara Jordan, Billie Jean King, Carol Sutton, Susie Sharp, and Addie Wyatt
1976 Jimmy Carter1924 
1977 Anwar Sadat1918–1981 
1978 Deng Xiaoping1904–1997 
1979 Ayatollah Khomeini1902–1989 
1980 Ronald Reagan1911–2004 
1981 Lech Wałęsa1943 
1982 The Computer Machine of the Year ("mesin tahun ini")
1983 Ronald Reagan1911–2004 
Yuri Andropov1914–1984 
1984 Peter Ueberroth1937 
1985 Deng Xiaoping1904–1997 
1986 Corazon C. Aquino1933–2009 
1987 Mikhail Gorbachev1931 
1988 The Endangered Earth Planet of the Year
1989 Mikhail Gorbachev1931Man of the Decade
1990 George H. W. Bush1924Bush was referred to as The Two George Bushes — this is not a reference to George W. Bush but to how George H.W. Bush was complimented for international affairs and criticized for domestic affairs, including his quote, "Read my lips: no new taxes."[2]
1991 Ted Turner1938 
1992 Bill Clinton1946 
1993 The Peacemakers Represented by Yasser Arafat, F.W. de Klerk, Nelson Mandela, and Yitzhak Rabin
1994 Pope John Paul II1920–2005 
1995 Newt Gingrich1943 
1996 David Ho1952 
1997 Andy Grove1936 
1998 Bill Clinton1946 
Kenneth Starr1946 
1999 Jeffrey P. Bezos1964 
2000 George W. Bush1946 
2001 Rudolph Giuliani1944 
2002 The Whistleblowers Represented by Cynthia Cooper, WorldCom; Coleen Rowley, FBI; and Sherron Watkins, Enron
2003 The American Soldier  
2004 George W. Bush1946 
2005 The Good Samaritans Represented by Bono, Bill Gates, and Melinda Gates
2006 You [3] Represented the individual content creator on the World Wide Web
2007 Vladimir Putin[4]1952 
2008 Barack Obama[5]1961 
2009 Ben Bernanke[6]1953 
2010 Mark Zuckerberg[7]1984- 
2011The Protester  
2012 Barack Obama1961 

Sumber referensi dan pranala luar

  1. ^ No single flag is presented for Elizabeth II as she was in 1952 the sovereign of more than one independent state, specifically the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ceylon, Pakistan and South Africa
  2. ^ Time (2002) p. 95.
  3. ^ Lev Grossman (13 December 2006). "Time's Person of the Year: You". Time. Diakses 2008-02-14. 
  4. ^ "Person of the Year 2007". Time. 2007. Diakses 2009-07-08. 
  5. ^ "Person of the Year 2008". Time. 2008. Diakses 2008-12-17. 
  6. ^ Grunwald, Michael (16 December 2009). "Person of the Year 2009". Time. Diakses 16 December 2009. 
  7. ^ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-12001136

Sumber :
wiki.edunitas.com, id.wikipedia.org, ensiklopedia.web.id, kategori-antropologi.program-reguler.co.id, dll.